Monday, 15 April 2013

A book that tells the tale

"People, without even bother reading the content of the book,
enjoys judging it based on it's cover."

It is clear to me on how people judge a person based on his/her looks and how they act without even knowing them. Untold stories and bitter memories are untold due to the ignorance of a person. They prefer judging them by appearance and not by the heart. I see hypocrites being adored and lies are told. I further myself away from such people because they bring nothing but harm to me. There is a word that might extend to the actions of such people. It is called "back stabbing".

People of such kind will be kind and polite in front of you but at your back, they spread lies and rumors about you. That is what I meant by "bring nothing but harm". It is better to keep distance from harmful beings. Especially when you know them really well. We are all blinded by lies because of how beautiful a lie is and how ugly the truth holds. There is a saying, "It is better to be hurt by the truth, which will only last awhile, than to be blinded by lies, which will last for a lifetime."

"Love, it works in a mysterious way.
It is a gamble between sorrow and happiness."

I ask myself, "Is love real?". I believe it is a way to share your happiness and sorrow with another person who will give you strength to be someone better. I find myself to be young and inexperienced in such topic. I can only wait for love. It comes when you least expect it. Due to the awful pain of heartaches, I choose to not to be involved. At least not now. I have a goal and I must do everything I can to score it. Love is just a distraction for me now. I am still young and I still have a long way to go. I choose to firm up my foundation so I can have a better future for my family and I. We should all be strong when it comes to love. As I said before, " Love is a gamble between sorrow and happiness. Once you've found the right person, you've hit the jackpot." This is true though, at least in my opinion. I apologize in advance because I'm still inexperienced and know only little about this world but I would like to share my point of view of love.

"Love gets you going when you feel like falling down.
Its a form of a helping hand to get through of harsh situations.
Love can be found in many forms. Some may be in the form of friendship,
some might be found in family bonds, but for sure, 
it is a warmth to be shared with others."

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