We can't see things because we are blinded by fear and lies.
The reason why a person is limited to only a few amount of ideas is because
he/she is bounded by the action of "Don't".
Without even trying, people often give up because of the state of mind.
There is a key to unlock everything, and the only thing that we should be doing is,
try and try again.
When you've been listening to the word "don't" since you were a child,
it becomes a custom. Which will also lead to the action of won't and shouldn't.
"Owh I shouldn't be doing this.."
"Owh I won't be able to do that.."
These are examples of a person who is mentally bounded by the
limitation of action and without even trying, he gives up.
People say, "Those who have a good sense of humor will enjoy life more".
Its because, people with a good sense of humor means that they have a wild imagination and
are open minded. These kind of people will have the most creative ideas whenever they're
doing something for example, brain-storming and for proposals as well.
You see, these kind of people are not bounded by the word "don't". They have the confidence on trying something new and enjoy failures as much as success. Without failures, we may never be able to understand the true meaning of success.
"Life is a puzzle which will take a lifetime to finish"
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