Friday 4 April 2014

Self Immunity

I guess its my first post since forever. Now that I have tons of free time waiting at the airport, I need to let go of a few things thats been bothering my mind. 

It was difficult to endure the pain of being such a disappointment but once you've realized that you did the best you can and that the problem isn't you but the person who put in such high expectations was the one who's at fault at making you feel bad, you will feel immune. It does hurt for awhile but it will heal faster than before. 

My advice here is that you shouldn't be putting the blame all on you. It brings nothing good to you. All you need to do is feel a little bit of freedom, a time for you to take a break from all unnecessary expectations of people, and just be, you. When you tried your best and you don't succeed, just know that you've did your best and go to hell with what people was hoping from you. This is your life. You should have control. You decide on what you choose to be, set your own goals, ignore the lifeless people who only want you to achieve something that they can't. By that you can feel enlighten because you no longer feel the burden of needing to achieve something that wasn't yours to achieve in the first place.

I'm running out of juice so until then.
Thanks for reading.

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